Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Eleksyon 2010: Who Am I Voting For?

This election, i will definitely exercise my right to vote.  I have been doing so for the last three  or four elections.  I believe that it is not just our right but it  is also our obligation to our country.  I am tired of broken promises and the usual political antics but i never lose hope that someday our country will get back to it's feet and reclaimed the same level of glory and prestige our nation used to enjoy during our Lolo's and Lola's time.

For the last month or so, i have been exchanging opinions and views with friends and acquaintances about  our individual choices among presidential candidates.

I have a friend who is for Gilbert "Gibo" Teodoro.  I asked him, "You were one of the victims of typhoon Ondoy. You're apartment in Q.C. was submerged under water for three days, Gibo was the head of the National Disaster Coordinating Council and the secretary of the Department of National Defense (DND) during that time, are you satisfied with what he have accomplished to help the victims? 'Di ba, you never saw a shadow of help from the government?"

My friend said that tragedy of that magnitude will overwhelm anyone.  I said "yes".  But if you are marketing yourself with the slogan "Galing at Talino" and you have all the resources of DND, i would be expecting a lot more.  Survivors in areas like Pasig (Pasig na lang ha) have to stay on top of their roof for several days without food, medicine and blankets because the rescue efforts are so slow and disorganized.  'Di ba sa ganitong sitwasyon natin dapat nasubukan ang "galing at talino"? Gibo should walk the talk.

I don't even have go to the issue of the Ampatuans to expound on his incompetence.  This power-tripping clan have amassed ammunitions and high-powered guns with "Property of the AFP" engraved on most of it and have openly organized and controlled a sizable group of private armies.  This happened during Gibo's term as the secretary of the Department of National Defense.

 We all know what happened next - the infamous Maguindanao Massacre.

Another friend of mine was for Manny Villar.  The guy who brands himself "Mr. Sipag at Tyaga".   Villar came out with loads of 60-seconder commercials (some are even longer, i think) of poor kids singing Villar's plight to poverty.   We all know that Manny Villar is the richest among candidates. Him being a Billionaire.  He owns Manuela Malls, Star Malls, Camella Homes, Vista Land, etc. etc.

Villar's campaign capitalized on his being poor. One of his commercial said his brother died because they're poor.  Later, it was found out that his being poor is not so true.  Her mother is a wholesaler in the 'consignacion' and market vendors buy their shrimp supplies from her.

So, hindi sila yung tipo na naglalako ng hipon sa palengke na walang pwesto.

And why would you swim in a sea of garbage as advertised on radio and tv? To catch shrimp? I don't think so.

Manny Villar's father works for the Bureau of Fisheries (BFAR) that time and that is how they got the connection. His father's position at BFAR secures Villar's mom would always get the freshest shrimps at cheaper price.

Villar's wealth surged questionably. Reports of land grabbing in Bulacan and other areas where his companies have developments surfaced recently.  He would always dismissed these issues as 'politically motivated' and 'black propagandas' fabricated by his detractors against him.

Until now, he has not directly answered the accusations hurled against him about the C-5 Road Project controversy where at least six of his subdivisions 'coincidentally' benefitted from the 're-alignment' of the original plan.  Certainly, i don't like my next president to stay mum on issues of graft and corruption.

The other presidential candidate running second/third place in the surveys is former president Joseph "Erap" Estrada.  I will never go into details.  But this is the same president the people removed from office through a peaceful People Power II because of his involvement in Jueteng operations and payolas, his kerida's lavish lifestyles (remember Boracay mansion), stock manipulations, unexplained bank accounts (Jose Velarde accounts), midnight cabinet, etc. The list goes on and it only illuminates how corrupt his government is. He thought his allies in the senate is enough to protect him from impeachment. But no.

I was in EDSA II.  I was one of those who walked from Makati to EDSA because  i too am tired of the rampant abuses of Erap's government to the people.  And the rest is history.  He stepped down from power and was eventually convicted of plunder.  He said EDSA II is a mistake.  I don't think so.  EDSA II symbolizes the power of the people to fight those who are blinded by greed and power.

Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino Jr. is the leading candidate in the surveys. This morning, Iglesia ni Cristo announced that they are supporting the candidacy of Noynoy and vice presidential candidate, Mar Roxas.  Noynoy was a three-term senator prior to this election.  He is a bachelor and he came from a family of heroes being the son of Cory and Ninoy.  They said Noynoy hasn't done much as a legislator.  Fabricated issues about him being mentally unfit have been surfacing.  He used to be known as the brother of Kris Aquino -  and even that is being used against him.  I know Kris Aquino is sometimes obnoxious but that is Kris Aquino not Noynoy.

Noynoy may not be the best president this country will ever have (just in case he wins the election) but he pledged one thing -"Hindi ako magnanakaw!" And i believed him.  Corruption is the biggest problem of this country.  They said 200 Billion pesos are pocketed by corrupt government officials and their cronies every year.  This is tax payers money. Yours and mine's hard-earned money.

Noynoy, despite being the son of a former president and himself,  a government official did not enrich himself.  In fact, he is one of the most modest presidential candidate based on their  statement of assets, liabilities and net worth (SALN).

This election, i definitely hope for a better president.  I hope that we will be able to unite as a nation and have a leader who will wake us from our slumber.   A president who will put the country first before his own personal interests and businesses.   A president who will not only be matalino but with a heart and compassion for our fellowmen. A president who will not steal and stand against the vultures in the government.  That is why in this coming election, i have never been this passionate to cast my vote.  Because i know that my president will not only bring hope but deliver results in this time where we needed it most. Si Noynoy - ang aking Presidente!

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