Thursday, April 29, 2010

Close Encounter with the Mummies

One of my itinerary in Singapore includes a visit to the National Museum where they have a limited exhibition of ancient Egypt titled - The Quest for Immortality. With my Mastercard, i got a 50% discount to the entrance fee so i only paid SGD 7.50 or roughly P240.00.

The first part of the exhibit is an array of statues. The walls are covered with reproduced and enlarged papyrus. Stone tablets, similar to Moses' where the 10 Commandments are scribed, adorned the other side of the exhibit. They were playing some sort of ancient music and we are not allowed to use the flash of our cameras. It's difficult to take pictures because its a bit dark inside. I have to set my camera in 'night mode' to be able to capture these photos. Each relics are just highlighted with subtle lighting.

The Museum was like a labyrinth. Visitors are guided with bits of information with each artifact. My shots were blurred with the absence of proper lighting. Anyway, I decided to take some photos and see later if i can improve them with PS.

The best part of the exhibit is the close encounter with the mummies. Although they are enclosed in glass capsules, the experience is truly amazing and creepy at the same time. This is the picture of an actual mummy and his tomb.

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