Thursday, April 29, 2010

Samut-saring Ibon

I was having second thoughts of going to Jurong Bird Park. But i remember the beautiful pictures of Bing (a former high school classmate) when he was there last January of 2010. Bing is also a photography enthusiast.

Armed with my DSLR camera and a newly purchased 70-300mm Tamron lens (bought from a electronic shop along Orchard Road), i took the MRT and bus ride to Jurong. At the park, i was first greeted by the local staff and was ushered to the ticket booth. I was asked if i would like to take the train ride to navigate the park but i decided not to. It will be difficult taking pictures of the birds from the tree tops. So i prepared myself to a loooong walk.

After i got in, we were initially guided to the penguin room. There were different types of penguins but the ones i recognized are the Emperor Penguins. These type of penguins are the bidas in the movie "Happy Feet". It's kinda sad as i remember the story and the plight of dancing penguin Mumble - the main character of the movie, as he fought against humans' over fishing. Mumble was captured and became part of a caged penguin display similar to what i have seen in Jurong Bird Park.

Anyway, the staff through his PA system announced that it is feeding time. A man with a big pale appeared in the center of this giant aquarium. The penguins went into frenzy as food (fresh fish) were thrown into the water. The glass wall separating the penguins from the visitors are stained so it is difficult to take clear pictures. After the feeding session, i was able to talk to the park attendant whose in-charge of the penguin show. He's pinoy pala and he's from Bicol. His name is Carlo. We chat a little about work and seems to be happy with his job. But he said that locals gets bigger pay compared to foreign staff like him.

Moving on, there's a big pond with flocks of red flamingos. It was a perfect subject. So i took my camera and did some several shots. Red flamingos are separated from the pink ones which is located naman at the other side of the park. There's quite a number of bird species at the park. From the smallest love birds to ostriches and other flightless birds (which names i forgot). Hahaha!

Well, here are some of the pictures from Jurong Bird Park.

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